PoorForm Forum - Now Online!

Since the PoorForm community is evolving and members are looking for ways to connect with our fans/followers we have created our own forum for EVERYBODY to be a part of. We have sections dedicated to the builds of any and all cars (member or not), classifieds and other general discussions. This will give members a chance to showcase all their hard work that does not always make it to the PoorForm Facebook Page or the PoorForm Instagram. This will also allow anyone else in the car community to share their builds with us, showcase their fabrication/painting or other talents and connect with the people in the Western Canadian car scene and wherever else we expand to.

Once you register on the forum you will receive an email confirmation link, follow the instructions in the email to complete your registration. Your next step is to post your Introduction in the New Members section - this is where you tell us who you are, what you drive, what your interests are (drift/drag/rally/etc). You can also tell us what you have to offer the forum and where you are from and any other information you deem applicable. Once your introduction is complete any of the available moderators will give your account Full Access to the forum and you are free to post as you please! 
Feel free to post photos of your ride in your intro and get involved in all threads of the forum.

The forum is not exclusively for builds though - we have sections where you can ask industry professionals technical questions and connect with guys behind the leading performance shop in Western Canada. In these sections you will find the best deals, new releases on your favourite products/brands and the potential for discounted group buys. Do not hesitate to post new topics in these sections if you have inquiries about parts or service!

We hope too see you all on the forum!
